Friday, 1 June 2012

Blog link.....

I am linking up again with Lilys quilts for a Fresh Sewing Day....

Lily's Quilts

I managed to create a photo collage of all things done, to do and hoping to do along with a sleeping dog!!!!
I had signed up for the Amitie BOM a couple of years ago now and made really good progress each month until ..well, not sure what happened!! I think life (work) got in the way rather a little!!  I just love how it is turning out and the fabrics are lovely!  Must get on with it!!
As for my swoon quilt, well I am getting that ready for kitting out at Sandown quilt show at the end of the, white and blue being most appropriate at this time!!!  And the Quick Curve Ruler sample...what fun!! Do visit if you can!

OOO look what I have learnt to do.....courtesy of Picmonkey!!!!  Very clever.....

Have a good long weekend all UK bloggers..lets hope the weather is kind to us all!


  1. Picmonkey rocks! Love your projects.

  2. Oh what beautiful work!! Love all those flower blocks :)

  3. I love your Amitie blocks - is that the green beans one (or whatever it's called!)? Must get round to investigating Picmonkey...

  4. Lots of eye candy to look at today Karen. Your projects look wonderful!

  5. I love the swoon blocks every time I see them..I have got to get that pattern :):) hugs

  6. Gorgeous work! Love the swoons and yay for picmonkey :)

  7. Your Amitie blocks are beautiful! Very fun mosaic, too. Isn't PicMonkey fun?

  8. Great post, must check out PicMonkey!
