Tuesday, 27 September 2011

A lovely sunny day...and hot too!

I have been basting a quilt on my machine this morning and plan to do another this afternoon, but oh it is sooooo difficult...the sun is shining and it is very warm in the garden!!  The woolly monsters are begging me to go and play ball with them.....but I really should get on!  What a dilemma!  Work will probably win as guilt will set in!!  Hey ho!
I have also been experimenting with more chicken blocks and mini blocks lately.  What do you think?
A 1950s style chicken

Reproduction star blocks

Mini churn dash blocks

With longarm quilting I work at such large scale that it is great fun to make small quilts or items...oh for the time!..not sure what the churn dash blocks will become, but the chicken is going to be a cushion and it is similar in style to the block I will be teaching at Tikki patchwork soon.  The star blocks will be a wall hanging I think!
Right, ...off to enjoy a little sunshine with a cup of tea just for a short while....

Monday, 26 September 2011

New quilts to sell as kits

I have had a day teaching today....a late night phone call to ask if I could cover sick leave found me in a Reception class full of little ones!  Exhausted now and glad to be home with the woolly monsters.
I have been looking forward to putting up pictures of new kits which will be added to my website shortly.  They are fairly easy to sew together and fun to make

This one is a lovely bright strippy quilt and lovely for a little (or big) girl ....

This one is die cut and made from various vintage and new fabrics...a lovely mix of lilacs, pinks and mauves.  Much easier to sew when it is die cut!!
I will try and post them on the website this week, so take a look!
Now for a little rest......ahhhh!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

New computer at last....

I have been waiting for a while to get a new computer as my old one is dying!!  And yippee, that time is now here!

It is a bit scary as I have moved from a pc to a Mac and its almost like starting again!  Totally non technical, me....but it is a pretty machine and  I will get there!!!
We have had a rather exciting time lately.  It was our 28th wedding anniversary last weekend and we celebrated with a trip on the Orient Express..a pressie from my mum and dad.  It was wonderful and we were thoroughly spoilt!
Back to normality now though, and quilts are being stitched and constructed.  More later....
Bye for now..

Friday, 2 September 2011

Holidays and happy times...

Well., we have been 'on holiday' for the last week.  But Mr RC had to finish some work and got loads of phonecalls!!!  We are at home anyway, so I decided to sew up a new kit for my webshop..

I love my Accuquilt cutter and it is brilliant for cutting quickly and accurately..in fact an exciting package arrived just today with some new dies so I can make up some different kits for my customers..

The only trouble is that the package is very heavy and attracts lots of duty and postage!!EEEEKKK!!  Hey ho, I cant wait to try them now.
My wonderful Mum and Dad stayed with us for a couple of days this week, so we had an outing to the local National Trust property, Basildon Park...its only a few miles down the road and it is where Pride and Prejudice was filmed, with Keira Knightly.

The weather was a little grey and overcast so it looks a little gloomy in the photo...it is a lovely house and to make things even better, they had an exhibition of Horrockes clothes from the 1950s.  My Mum used to sew these dresses in South Wales when she was first married, so lots of memories.
The gardens were pretty too..

~We ended the day in The Swan pub which dates back to the 1600s and had a really good meal and some drinks.  The woolly monsters had to stay at home, so were delighted when we got back!!

Now, back to investigating my Accuquilt boxes.........yippee!!