Friday, 29 April 2011

Another birthday, a visit and a royal wedding....

Well, I have been very neglectful of my blog for a few weeks....but lots to tell.  My  quilting has kept me soooo busy up to Easter with lots of last minute 'please do this quickly for me' quilts...
M's quilt turned out really well and she was very pleased.  Photo is not brilliant, but there was a lot of cross hatching involved in this one! Mr RC had a few days off work to celebrate my birthday and Easter so quilting was put aside for a couple of weeks and we had a splendid time with my Mum and Dad roaming the Wiltshire countryside on a visit to Stourhead, enjoying a lovely cream tea and the Spring sunshine...

Even Raffi had to keep in the shade, it was very hot....
The rest of the holiday has been hard work, as a fence had to be erected in our back garden....nearly finished that job now.
But today, we watched the Royal wedding on the television...Wow, what a dress and a lovely ceremony..I spent most of the time in tears, it was so beautiful, but it doesn't take me long to get soppy!  Wonderful...the bunting looked good too

We enjoyed a bottle of champagne and a good walk to finish off a memorable day...
Next week, it is back to work as lots of quilts have arrived in the last week and I must keep the wolf from the door, so to speak!!
Until next time....xx