Sunday, 25 September 2011

New computer at last....

I have been waiting for a while to get a new computer as my old one is dying!!  And yippee, that time is now here!

It is a bit scary as I have moved from a pc to a Mac and its almost like starting again!  Totally non technical, me....but it is a pretty machine and  I will get there!!!
We have had a rather exciting time lately.  It was our 28th wedding anniversary last weekend and we celebrated with a trip on the Orient Express..a pressie from my mum and dad.  It was wonderful and we were thoroughly spoilt!
Back to normality now though, and quilts are being stitched and constructed.  More later....
Bye for now..


  1. Congratulations on your 28th!!! What a nice trip for you and your husband. You are going to love your MAC, looks like we have the same one, MacBook Pro I got mine a few months back and love it. Like you, I went from PC to Mac, there is a learning curve, but your right, you'll get there. Apple offers some great classes as well. Take care.

  2. Congratulations 28 years!!! The orient express must have been lovely.
